Expert Family Law Attorney in Palm Beach Gardens

There are times in life when you need a trusted and experienced family law attorney to advise you. Through strategic and responsive representation, Elaine M. Simon can guide you through this difficult time. Family law matters require a compassionate, yet logical approach. Elaine M. Simon works closely with her clients while helping them establish a realistic objective.

Elaine M. Simon Services

Elaine M. Simon’s office is centrally located in Palm Beach Gardens. She focuses exclusively on marital and family law. This allows her to strive for superior personalized service and aggressive representation on behalf of her clients. Elaine M. Simon provides comprehensive legal services about Florida family law matters including, but not limited to: divorce, paternity, time-sharing, child support, modifications, pre and post-nuptial agreements, domestic violence, and complex cases. If you are facing the possibility of divorce, parenting issues (formerly known as custody), alimony, child support, contempt, modifications, paternity, and other domestic relations matters, you need an attorney who will effectively and zealously represent you, put your needs and concerns first, and give you the personal attention you deserve.

Family Law Mediation

The majority of family law matters are complex and potentially affect every aspect of one’s life, from financial to emotional, physical, and legal. Elaine M. Simon’s objective is to provide you with an assessment of your case and assist in formulating solutions that best suit your family’s needs and goals. Utilizing her specific knowledge and experience in the area of family law, she strives to settle clients’ disputes quickly and discreetly using settlement mechanisms such as mediation. People can save significant time and expense by using mediation to resolve contested issues. Mediation can also reduce the emotional impact and stress involved with divorce. By comparison, the adversarial nature of courtroom litigation often fuels animosities. Even so, some couples cannot settle their differences outside of court. For this reason, Elaine M. Simon is ready and able to litigate your case to a conclusion whenever a settlement is not possible.